
ST. PAUL'S - Bompars and Parr

"Bompas & Parr creates fine English jellies, designs bespoke jelly moulds and curates spectacular culinary events.

"The work of [Sam] Bompas & [Harry] Parr operates in the space between food and architecture. Our projects explore how the taste of food is altered through synaesthesia, performance and setting. Currently the focus of our research is jelly: jelly is the perfect site for an examination of food and architecture due to its uniquely plastic form and the historic role it has played in exploring notions of taste."


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Ministry Of Sound : The Annual, Vol 3 (CD Album) - CD et disques d'occasion - Achat et vente

6,00 €

The Annual, Vol 3
Bon Etat
Ministry Of Sound
Double disque, l'un mixé par Pete Tong, l'autre par Boy George. Une année de la scène Londonienne en 38 pistes avec Juliet Roberts, Todd Terry, Double 99, Sneaker Pimps, Dario, Prodigy, Monkey Mafia...

Tout juin 2009