Why We Buy, Why We Brand

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Exhibition Talk
Wednesday, December 19: 6:30 pm
An illustrated lecture by
Debbie Millman

"Why We Buy, Why We Brand" is an entertaining sociological, scientific, and anthropological overview of why we purchase things and cultivate brands. What sets one brand apart from another? Is there a magic formula that turns a simple script logo into the international graphic icon Coca-Cola, or makes us ogle over the latest Apple product? Take a deep dive into the influence branding has on our everyday lives, from branding ourselves and the world around us, to the role branding plays in the products we buy and the way we live.

"Why We Buy, Why We Brand" will help us answer the questions:
• What are the waves of modern branding?
• How is branding linked to human evolution?
• How has technology changed our interaction with each other and brands?
• What is necessary for modern brands to stand out in a crowded marketplace?
• How does branding resonate with our most hard-wired, basic instincts?

Free and open to the public: apexart

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