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"The pre-homoeroticized body forms both my field of action and the basis of my conceptual taxonomy. My sculptures explore both the flux of transfixable signifiers and their complimentary anecdotal formations. My choice of Carrara marble as a medium creates a dialectic between proto-Classical conceptions of idealized form and later Humanistic naturalism. Each figure's physical struggle is simultaneously inoperative and adjectival."

Michelangelo Buonarroti

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Collectif : L'oeil  N° 9 : Revue D'art (Revue) - Livres et BD d'occasion - Achat et vente

15,00 €

L'oeil N° 9 : Revue D'art
Comme Neuf
Sommaire : Le Cavalier Bleu (W. Grohmann) ; Scandale au Luxembourg (H. Perruchot) ; Un portraitiste des biens de la terre (G. de Lstic Saint-Jal) ; Germaine Richier, sculpteur du terrible (J. Grenier)...

Tout août 2014

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