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2016=1991 "...Whispers have turned to shouts around the doom and gloom of the art market following a period of rife speculation. Galleries are closing their doors; others contemplate calling it quits. Artist prices are plummeting. Buyers from emerging markets are disappearing from auction salerooms.
This situation could be a dramatized snapshot of 2016--but the year is actually 1991."

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Collectif : L'oeil - Revue D'art  N° 17 (Revue) - Livres et BD d'occasion - Achat et vente

13,00 €

L'oeil - Revue D'art N° 17
Très Bon Etat
Sommaire : Stendhal aimait-il la peinture ? (H. Martineau) ; Odilon Redon, peintre et mystique (C. Roger-Marx) ; Lanskoy (J. Grenier) ; La vie d'artiste (H. Perruchot) ; Miro céramiste (interview par...

Tout octobre 2016

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